Song lyric tell me why i wasted for someone that doestn give a fuck about me
Song lyric tell me why i wasted for someone that doestn give a fuck about me

song lyric tell me why i wasted for someone that doestn give a fuck about me song lyric tell me why i wasted for someone that doestn give a fuck about me

Often their lyrics just sound like a variety of sentence fragments. The Dillinger Escape Plan can be pretty damn confusing even if you somehow find out what they're screaming about.If you don't speak German, the song just sounds cool. Similarly, from another Neue Deutsche Harte band, Eisbrecher, we have "This is Deutsch", which is a hilarious ( if you speak German) parody of Gratuitous German.It's more-or-less random words strung together or maybe real lyrics with every second word replaced by something else. Some fans think it's about sex because, well, many of their songs are and some parts of it can be explained this way, but most of it can't. Grind in a odyssey holocaust heart kick on tomorrowīreakdown agony, said "ecstasy" in overdrive she come a Well sweet little sista's high in hell cheat'n on a halo Not to be confused with Listeners Are Geniuses, where lyrics are loaded with literary, mythological, or pop-cultural references that are confusing only to non-geniuses. Compare Something Something Leonard Bernstein. See also Song of Song Titles, Surreal Theme Tune, Scatting, Word Salad Title, Word Salad Philosophy, The Walrus Was Paul, and True Art Is Incomprehensible. Lyrical Shoehorn (which in literature is known as Dada Poetry) where words are used exclusively for their sound, cadence, and alliteration with no concern for meaning. Of course, a lot of the "alternate reading" wordplays are just as incomprehensible as the main readings. Much of what may seem gibberish even in the original Japanese, is actually clever and/or silly puns or Double Entendre for those who know their kanji well enough. A lot of apparently incomprehensible Japanese lyrics are actually puns or other wordplays based on alternate translations of the kanji used, similar-sounding words, or (most often) both. Common results when listening is hearing the lyrics wrong or not even bothering to make up words.Ī special case is Japanese music. Can also extend to the title (often so weird it isn't in the lyrics). Either way, the results are incomprehensible. Or maybe they just strung together a bunch of lines that sounded cool. Maybe the songwriter went for the feeling associated with the words rather than the direct meaning. They might have some kind of symbolic meaning. Other songs, however, are the musical equivalent of Word Salad Title.

Song lyric tell me why i wasted for someone that doestn give a fuck about me