Metes and bounds vs township and range
Metes and bounds vs township and range

The intersection point of these lines is used as an initial point for the survey. The USPLS begins with principal meridians and base lines. The system was initially implemented in the Northwest Territories and subsequently in the remaining central and western states. The United States Public Land Survey (USPLS) or Rectangular System of survey or simply Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is the most widely used surveying method in the United States used to describe parcel boundaries. The application is located at the following URL: or simply navigate to to find it. The application also allows you to search by USGS Quad Name. It lets you enter the Township and Section number and then identifies your area of interest. The diagrams below show the system of numbering the sections and the usual method of subdividing them.Have you had problems locating a particular section or quarter section? Do you want to know the Township, Range and Section number for your house? If so, the New Mexico PLSS finder application will help you. It is divided into 36 square-mile “sections” of 640 acres, each which may be divided and subdivided as desired. Guide Meridians, at intervals of 24 miles east and (or) west of the Principal Meridian, are extended north and (or) south from the Base Line Standard Parallels, at 24-mile intervals north and (or) south of the Base Line, are extended east and (or) west from the Principal Meridian. Thus, the description of a township as “Township 16 North, Range 7 West” would mean that the township is situated 16 tiers north of the Base Line for the Principal Meridian and 7 ranges west of that meridian.

metes and bounds vs township and range metes and bounds vs township and range

The township numbers east or west of the Principal Meridians are designated as ranges whereas, the numbers north and south of the Base Line are tiers. The base lines running north and south are known as “Principal Meridians”, while the east and west base lines are called simply “Base Lines”. Under this system the lands are divided into “townships,” 6 miles square, which are related to base lines established by the federal government. The system of rectangular surveys was inaugurated in 1785 and the laws governing its establishment have, with various modifications, been applied to all of the United States with the exception of the states listed above.

Metes and bounds vs township and range